What is COOCO?

COOCO is an AI-powered social networking platform that helps you save time, money, and food waste in smart and fun ways. Whether you want to manage your ingredients, get personalized recipe recommendations, find the best grocery deals, or share your food with your community, COOCO has it all. You can also connect with food lovers, merchants, and brands, and earn rewards for your content. COOCO is not just an app, it’s a lifestyle. Join COOCO today and discover a new way of shopping, cooking, and connecting with your food.

How does COOCO help reduce food waste?

COOCO helps reduce food waste by offering smart tools for ingredient management and personalized recipe suggestions based on the ingredients you already have. This way, you can use up what's in your pantry or fridge more efficiently, minimizing waste.

How does COOCO work?

COOCO uses AI to help you manage your ingredients, find recipes, and get the best grocery deals. You can also connect with other food lovers, merchants, and brands, and earn rewards for your content.

Is COOCO free to use?

Yes, COOCO is free to use. However, some features, such as personalized recipe recommendations and exclusive deals, may require a paid subscription.

How do I sign up for COOCO?

You can sign up for COOCO by visiting our website

FAQ About Smart Fridge

What is a smart fridge?

A smart fridge is an online refrigerator equipped AI features designed to help manage your groceries more effectively. COOCO’s smart fridges can track your inventory, suggest recipes based on what you have, alert you when you're running low on essentials, and even help you create shopping lists to reduce food waste and save time.

What are the benefits of using COOCO Smart Fridge?

Some of the benefits of using COOCO Smart Fridge include:
- Reduced food waste: COOCO Smart Fridge can help you reduce food waste by tracking the food you have and alerting you when food is about to expire.
- Time savings: COOCO Smart Fridge can save you time by suggesting recipes based on the ingredients you have and helping you plan your grocery trips.
- Money savings: COOCO Smart Fridge can help you save money by suggesting recipes that use affordable ingredients and alerting you when you are running low on items so you can buy them on sale.
- Convenience: COOCO Smart Fridge is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, so you can manage your food and grocery needs on the go.

How do I use COOCO Smart Fridge?

To use COOCO Smart Fridge, simply create an account on the COOCO web app and add the food and grocery items you have to your virtual fridge. COOCO will then provide you with personalized recommendations and alerts.

What kind of recommendations and alerts does COOCO Smart Fridge provide?

COOCO Smart Fridge provides a variety of recommendations and alerts, including:
- Recipe suggestions: COOCO Smart Fridge will suggest recipes based on the ingredients you have in your virtual fridge.
- Expiry alerts: COOCO Smart Fridge will alert you when food in your virtual fridge is about to expire.
- Stock alerts: COOCO Smart Fridge will alert you when you are running low on items in your virtual fridge.
- Grocery suggestions: COOCO Smart Fridge will suggest items to buy for your next grocery trip based on your preferences and the items you have in your virtual fridge.

Is COOCO Smart Fridge free to use?

Yes, COOCO Smart Fridge is free to use.

FAQ About Recipe

What is a recipe?

A recipe is a set of instructions for cooking a dish. Recipes typically include a list of ingredients and the steps for preparing the dish.

How do I create a recipe on COOCO?

To create a recipe, first, create an account on COOCO. Then, navigate to the recipe tab, select “Create recipe,” and follow the steps to add your recipe details. Click “Save” to save and publish your recipe on the platform.

How do I get personalized recipe recommendations on COOCO?

Personalized recipe recommendations on COOCO are generated based on your dietary preferences, ingredients you have on hand, and your previous interactions with recipes on the platform. Ensure your profile is up to date for the most accurate suggestions.

What should I do if I don't have all of the ingredients for a recipe?

If you don't have all of the ingredients for a recipe, you can try to substitute similar ingredients. For example, you can substitute all-purpose flour for bread flour, or vegetable oil for olive oil. However, it is important to note that substitutions may affect the taste and texture of the dish.

FAQ About Meal Plan

What is a meal plan?

A meal plan on COOCO is a personalized schedule of recipes and meals for a specific period, typically one week. It helps users organize their eating habits by planning ahead, ensuring a balanced diet, and simplifying grocery shopping. Meal plans can be customized based on dietary preferences, goals, and the ingredients you have on hand.

How do I save recipes to my meal plan?

After creating your account on COOCO, browse through the recipes and select the ones you want to save to your meal plan. This feature helps you organize your meals efficiently and ensures you have a diverse and enjoyable diet.

How many recipes can I save on my meal plan?

COOCO currently supports saving up to 35 recipes for a 7-day meal plan. This allows for ample flexibility in planning breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and even snacks throughout the week.

How do I delete a recipe from my meal plan?

To delete a recipe from your meal plan, simply go to your meal plan view and select the “X” button on the recipe you wish to remove. This action will delete the recipe from your current meal plan.

How do I create a grocery list on COOCO?

When you save recipes or create a meal plan on COOCO, you can opt to “Add to shopping list” which extracts the required ingredients into a shopping list. Review the list and uncheck any items you already have. Confirm by clicking the “CONFIRM” button, and select a shopping list to save these ingredients, making grocery shopping more efficient.

How do I share meal plans and shopping lists with others?

After creating a meal plan and shopping list, you can share them by clicking the “Share” button. This allows you to save the meal plan and shopping list as a PDF file, which you can then share with others, making it easier to coordinate meals and shopping with family or friends.

Can I find grocery deals on COOCO?

Yes, COOCO provides users with the latest information on grocery deals. By leveraging AI, it finds the best offers available in your area, helping you save money on your grocery shopping.

FAQ About COOCO Partner

How do I become a COOCO Partner?

If you're interested in becoming a COOCO Partner, please reach out to us at contact@cooco.app. We welcome partnerships with food merchants, brands, and influencers who share our passion for reducing food waste, promoting sustainable eating habits, and creating a vibrant community of food lovers.

What are the benefits of COOCO Partners?

COOCO Partners are businesses that have integrated with COOCO to offer exclusive deals and promotions to COOCO users. COOCO Partners include grocery stores, and food brands.
Some of the benefits of becoming a COOCO Partner include:
- Increased brand awareness: COOCO Partners can reach a large audience of food lovers through COOCO's platform.
- Increased sales: COOCO Partners can offer exclusive deals and promotions to COOCO users, which can drive sales.
- Customer loyalty: COOCO Partners can build customer loyalty by offering rewards and incentives to COOCO users.

FAQ About COOCO Creator

I’m a cooking creator. How can I become a COOCO Creator?

To apply to become a COOCO Creator, simply email us at contact@cooco.app. Please include a brief introduction of yourself and your cooking experience, as well as links to your recipes and social media profiles.

Do I have to create new recipes to become a COOCO Creator?

No, you do not have to create new recipes to become a COOCO Creator. We welcome creators of all levels, and many of our creators share recipes that already exist in their recipe archives.

Will I still own my recipes if I'm a COOCO Creator?

Yes, you will still own your recipes if you're a COOCO Creator. Our aim is not to gain ownership of your content, but to serve as the home cooking platform to showcase your delicious recipes and allow everyone to cook with confidence.

Is a creator with COOCO an exclusive?

No, a standard COOCO Creator does not require any exclusivity. We understand that many creators have multiple platforms and audiences, and we will never share your recipes without your permission.

Additional Benefits of Becoming a COOCO Creator

In addition to the benefits listed above, COOCO Creators also enjoy the following benefits:
- Increased visibility: COOCO Creators have the opportunity to reach a large audience of food lovers through COOCO's platform.
- Exclusive opportunities: COOCO Creators may be eligible for exclusive opportunities, such as partnerships with brands and invitations to events.
- Community support: COOCO Creators are part of a supportive community of other food lovers and creators.

Otther FAQs

Is my personal information safe on COOCO?

The privacy and security of our users' information are of utmost importance to us. COOCO employs advanced security measures to protect your personal information and ensures that data handling complies with global privacy regulations.

Can I use COOCO on my Smartphone or Tablet?

Yes, COOCO is a web app that can be accessed from any device with internet connectivity, including smartphones and tablets. An app version is set to launch in 2024, which will enhance the user experience on these devices.

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