Pancake Cupcakes With Maple Frosting and Candied Bacon

Pancake Cupcakes With Maple Frosting and Candied Bacon

By Emily Joshi
0’ Prep time
45’ Cook time
45’ Total time
421 Calories
18 Serving


Pancake Cupcakes With Maple Frosting and Candied Bacon might be just the American recipe you are searching for. One portion of this dish contains approximately 3g of protein, 17g of fat, and a total of 367 calories. This recipe serves 18 and costs $1.41 per serving. 1 person has tried and liked this recipe. Head to the store and pick up flour, eggs, tea-spoon salt, and a few other things to make it today. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 45 minutes. It is brought to you by Foodista. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 23%, which is not so super. Pancake Cupcakes With Maple Frosting and Candied Bacon, Pancake Cupcakes with Maple-Bacon Buttercream Frosting, and Vanilla Cupcakes with Maple Frosting and Candied Walnuts are very similar to this recipe.
Emily Joshi 0 Followers

Step by Step

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Step 1

For the Cupcakes
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Step 2

Pre­heat your oven 350 degrees F.
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Step 3

Sift the flour, bak­ing pow­der, bak­ing soda, salt, and gin­ger together. Set aside.
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Step 4

Beat the but­ter and sugar on medium speed in a large bowl until they are fluffy.
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Step 5

Add in eggs, syrup and vanilla. Mix until blended.
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Step 6

Then mix in the flour mix­ture alter­nat­ing with the but­ter­milk. Do about one-third of the flour and then one-third of the but­ter­milk, and so on. Add the nuts if using.
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Step 7

Fill muf­fin or cup­cake tins, either lined or but­tered, accord­ing to your pref­er­ence. Cook for approx­i­mately 20 min­utes or until your tester comes out clean.
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Step 8

Cool totally.
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Step 9

For the Frosting
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Step 10

Beat the soft­ened but­ter, cream cheese, brown sugar and salt in a medium-sized bowl until fluffy. Once again, it is crit­i­cal that your ingre­di­ents be softened.
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Step 11

While you keep beat­ing, add both the maple syrup and the vanilla.
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Step 12

Slowly add the con­fec­tion­ers’ sugar and grad­u­ally increase the speed to high. Con­tinue beat­ing until the icing is fluffy.
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Step 13

Chill the maple-butter frost­ing for one hour before using.
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Step 14

For the Bacon
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Step 15

Pre­heat oven to 400°F. Line rimmed bak­ing sheet with foil. Place rack in cen­ter of foil. Lay bacon slices on rack. Sprin­kle 1 table­spoon maple sugar evenly over bacon. Bake until sugar is melted, about 8 min­utes. Sprin­kle remain­ing 1 table­spoon sugar over same side of bacon. Bake until bacon is deep brown and glazed, 12 to 14 min­utes longer. Remove from oven.
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Step 16

Pre­heat broiler. Broil bacon until sugar on top bub­bles thickly, watch­ing closely to pre­vent burn­ing, 1 to 2 min­utes. Cool bacon com­pletely on rack. Cut into 1/4-inch dice.


  • applewood smoked bacon
    applewood smoked bacon
    4 slices
  • golden brown sugar
    golden brown sugar
    146.67 grams 146.67 grams 110 grams 110 grams
  • egg
    2 larges
  • buttermilk
    120 milliliters
  • pecans
    49.5 grams
  • sugar
    200 grams
  • vanilla extract
    vanilla extract
    0.75 2
  • tea
    0.25 0.5 1
  • wheat flour
    wheat flour
    62.5 grams
  • unsalted butter
    unsalted butter
    227 grams
  • ginger powder
    ginger powder
  • cream cheese
    cream cheese
    85.05 grams
  • maple syrup
    maple syrup
    241.5 milliliters 402.5 milliliters
  • granulated sugar
    granulated sugar
  • matcha

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